Posts Tagged ‘finished friday’

As always, Finished Friday is hosted by Books That Spark!

Title: The Martian Chronicles

Author: Ray Bradbury

It was a pretty good book. I had to read it for a summer school project.


Guess what?




I’m so excited. I plan to splurge on books, kthx.

No, not really. But I will have a lovely IMM the next few weeks~

I’m back to FF from Books that Spark’s blog! It’s been a little minute, since I’ve been reading a lot of books! I’ve finally finished one this week:

Title: Across the Universe

Author: Beth Revis


If you ever get a chance to buy a copy, you’ll be pleasantly surprised! There’s two covers and a very nice engraving on the cover. I really wanna get it one day! I hope to win it in a contest or perhaps buy my own copy!

Until next time!

TGIF! It’s finally Friday and time for another Finished Friday, hosted by Books That Spark! Below rules if you want join in as well:

It’s simple! Simply post what you’ve read this week, or if you prefer you can do it on a monthly basis, or every other week. It’s completely up to you!


Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to finish a book this past week, but hope to over the next few weeks.

I’m completely convinced that there’s a meme for just about every day around the blogosphere, so, that it forces me to post everyday, I have decided that I will partake in this new one, hosted by Books That Spark! Below are the rules:

It’s simple! Simply post what you’ve read this week, or if you prefer you can do it on a monthly basis, or every other week. It’s completely up to you!

Cool, huh? Basically, you post a book that you completed that week. Luckily, I have one!

Book: Fallen Angel by Heather Terrell
Day Finished: June 2, 2011